Plan rowności płci

Gender Equality Plan - date: 03.01.2024

1. Introduction

a. Background of AISEEMO

AISEEMO, an innovative IT AI startup, has established itself as a leader in the development and application of advanced video analytics solutions. Our mission is to transform traditional CCTV systems into proactive, intelligent monitoring tools that offer real-time detection and tracking of objects and events. This mission is driven by the recognition of the limitations in current surveillance practices, where manual monitoring and delayed responses to incidents are common. By leveraging AI and machine learning technologies, AISEEMO enhances the capabilities of video surveillance, providing solutions that ensure safety, security, and operational efficiency across various sectors.

Our work encompasses a range of technologies, including thermal imaging analytics, predictive maintenance of surveillance equipment, and the enhancement of image quality through AI techniques. AISEEMO's solutions are designed to be flexible and scalable, addressing the specific needs of our clients while offering the potential for future integration of additional analytics. Founded by an expert team with over a decade of experience in AI and image analysis, AISEEMO is committed to delivering value-added services that meet the evolving challenges of security and surveillance.

b. Rationale for the Gender Equality Plan

As AISEEMO continues to grow and shape the future of AI-driven surveillance technology, we recognize the importance of fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment. The rationale behind the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) stems from our understanding that diversity and inclusion are not just moral imperatives but also key drivers of innovation and performance. The tech industry, including the AI sector, has traditionally been male-dominated, presenting challenges in gender diversity that can impact organizational culture, talent recruitment, and retention.

AISEEMO's GEP is conceived as a strategic initiative to address these challenges head-on, ensuring that gender equality is woven into the fabric of our organizational practices. By committing to gender equality, we aim to attract a diverse talent pool, enhance our team's creativity and problem-solving capabilities, and reflect the diverse society we serve. The GEP will guide our efforts in creating a workplace where individuals of all genders have equal opportunities to contribute, advance, and achieve their potential.

c. Scope and applicability of the plan

The Gender Equality Plan at AISEEMO is designed to be comprehensive and applicable across all levels and departments of our organization. It encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including equitable recruitment practices, pay equity, professional development opportunities, work-life balance policies, and a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination and harassment.

The GEP's scope extends beyond internal practices to influence our interactions with clients, partners, and the wider community. By setting a standard for gender equality within the tech and AI industry, we aim to inspire change and encourage other organizations to adopt similar practices.

Our commitment to gender equality is not just about meeting benchmarks or quotas; it is about embedding equality into the very ethos of AISEEMO. Through this Gender Equality Plan, we are laying the groundwork for a culture of inclusivity, respect, and empowerment, ensuring that AISEEMO remains at the forefront of innovation and social responsibility in the AI sector.

2. Diagnosis for 2024

a. Gender Diversity Metrics within AISEEMO

AISEEMO, as a pioneering IT AI startup, operates within an industry that is notably male-dominated, particularly in technical and leadership roles.This demographic composition reflects the broader trends in the IT sector but does not align with our commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace.

The absence of female employees in our team is a significant concern, as gender diversity has been shown to enhance creativity, innovation, and decision-making within organizations. Recognizing this, AISEEMO is committed to understanding the underlying factors contributing to this lack of diversity and implementing strategic measures to address it. Our goal is not only to diversify our team but also to create an environment where talented individuals, regardless of gender, are attracted to and can thrive within our organization.

b. Summary of Current Policies and Practices Affecting Gender Equality

As a small startup, AISEEMO's current organizational policies and practices have been primarily focused on rapid development and deployment of our technology. Given our stage of growth and the size of our team, formal policies specifically addressing gender equality have not been fully developed or implemented. This includes areas such as recruitment, retention, promotion, and compensation practices, as well as policies to prevent and address harassment and discrimination.

However, it's important to note that AISEEMO operates with a core belief in the value of diversity and inclusion. We have always aimed to create a respectful and welcoming environment for all employees, even in the absence of formal policies. This has included an informal commitment to equal treatment and opportunities, open communication, and a collaborative team culture. As we grow and evolve, formalizing these commitments into clear policies and practices will be a crucial step in advancing gender equality within our organization.

c. Identification of Gaps and Challenges

The initial assessment of AISEEMO's current state with respect to gender diversity and equality reveals several key gaps and challenges:

Lack of Formal Gender Equality Policies: The absence of formalized policies and practices specifically designed to promote gender equality is a significant gap. This includes recruitment strategies that target a diverse pool of candidates, clear pathways for career advancement, pay equity audits, and policies to prevent discrimination and harassment.

Recruitment and Hiring Practices: Given the industry's male dominance, our current recruitment and hiring practices have not effectively attracted or retained female talent. This may be due to unconscious biases, lack of targeted outreach, or perceived barriers within the IT sector.

Awareness and Training: There is a need for increased awareness and training among all employees, including leadership, on the importance of gender diversity and inclusion. This includes understanding the benefits of a diverse workforce, recognizing and addressing unconscious biases, and fostering an inclusive culture.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Currently, there is a lack of systematic monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of any measures implemented to promote gender equality. This makes it challenging to identify progress, setbacks, or areas needing improvement.

Workplace Culture: While AISEEMO prides itself on a collaborative and open culture, the lack of female representation could contribute to an environment that, unintentionally, may not appear as welcoming or inclusive to potential female employees or collaborators.

To address these challenges, AISEEMO will need to develop and implement a comprehensive set of policies and practices aimed at promoting gender equality. This will include efforts to attract and retain female talent, create equitable opportunities for career advancement, ensure pay equity, and foster a workplace culture that values and promotes diversity and inclusion. By acknowledging these gaps and taking proactive steps to address them, AISEEMO aims to set a new standard for gender equality within the tech industry, particularly for startups in the early stages of growth.

3. Gender Equality Strategic Objectives and Actions

To address the identified gaps and challenges within AISEEMO, we outline the following strategic objectives and actions. These initiatives are designed to foster a culture of gender equality, ensuring that our organization not only attracts but also supports and retains female talent, thereby enhancing our overall innovation and competitiveness.

Objective 1: Provide Equal Access to Employment


Revise Recruitment Practices: Implement recruitment strategies that actively seek to increase the pool of female candidates for all roles, especially in technical and leadership positions. This includes utilizing gender-neutral or inclusive language in job postings, whenever possible, advertising in forums frequented by women in tech, and working with organizations that support women in STEM fields.

Diversify Recruitment Channels: Partner with universities, women's networks, and other organizations that focus on promoting women in the tech industry to widen our reach.

Unconscious Bias Training: Provide mandatory unconscious bias training for all employees involved in the hiring process to ensure fair and unbiased selection and evaluation of candidates.

Objective 2: Performance Evaluation, Career Progression, and Remuneration


Transparent Evaluation Criteria: Develop and communicate clear, objective criteria for performance evaluations, ensuring that these criteria are free from gender bias.

Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Establish mentorship and sponsorship programs aimed at supporting women's professional development and career progression within AISEEMO.

Regular Pay Equity Audits: Conduct regular pay equity audits to ensure that women and men are paid equally for equal work and take corrective action where disparities are found.

Objective 3: Work-Life Balance


Flexible Working Arrangements: Offer flexible working hours, the option for remote work, and part-time positions to accommodate employees' varying needs and promote a healthy work-life balance.

Parental Leave Policies: Implement parental leave policies that support both mothers and fathers, encouraging shared responsibility for child-rearing and supporting women's return to work.

Objective 4: Constant Monitoring


Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms: Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from employees on the workplace environment and the effectiveness of gender equality initiatives, using this feedback to make continuous improvements.

Annual Gender Equality Report: Publish an annual report detailing AISEEMO's progress towards gender equality, including metrics on gender diversity, pay equity, and the impact of empowerment initiatives.

These strategic objectives and actions represent AISEEMO's commitment to creating a more gender-inclusive workplace. By implementing these measures, we aim to not only address the current gaps and challenges but also to build a foundation for sustained gender equality and women's empowerment within our organization. This comprehensive approach will enable AISEEMO to leverage the full potential of a diverse workforce, driving innovation and success in the competitive IT and AI landscape.

4. Implementation of the Gender Equality Plan

The implementation of AISEEMO's Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a critical step towards achieving our strategic objectives and fostering an inclusive, equitable work environment. Key components such as the Flexible Work Policy and the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy will serve as cornerstones of this effort. The following outlines the phased approach to implementing the GEP, ensuring alignment with our overarching goals of gender equality and inclusion.

Phase 1: Policy Development and Communication

Flexible Work Policy: Formalize and communicate a Flexible Work Policy that supports work-life balance. This policy will include provisions for flexible working hours, remote work options, and part-time roles, ensuring that employees can balance professional responsibilities with personal commitments. [APPENDIX 1]

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy: Develop and disseminate an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that underscores AISEEMO's commitment to providing equal access to employment, devoid of discrimination based on gender, and ensuring fair treatment in all aspects of employment practices, including recruitment, performance evaluation, career progression, and remuneration. [APPENDIX 2]

Phase 2: Training and Awareness

Implement comprehensive training programs for all employees, with a focus on unconscious bias training for those involved in the hiring and evaluation processes. This training will aim to raise awareness about gender biases and equip employees with the skills needed to create an inclusive workplace.

Launch informational sessions to educate all staff on the new Flexible Work Policy and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, detailing how these policies contribute to AISEEMO's gender equality objectives and the practical implications for day-to-day operations.

Phase 3: Recruitment and Career Development Initiatives

Revise recruitment practices to actively attract a diverse pool of candidates, emphasizing outreach to women in STEM and partnership with organizations dedicated to supporting women in tech.

Phase 4: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement

The management board will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the GEP, tracking progress against established metrics, and addressing any issues or barriers to gender equality.

Implement regular surveys and feedback mechanisms to gather insights from employees on the effectiveness of the policies and initiatives introduced, using this feedback to refine and improve the GEP.

Phase 5: Reporting and Accountability

Commit to transparency by publishing an annual Gender Equality Report, outlining the progress made towards achieving the goals set out in the GEP, including metrics on gender diversity, the impact of the Flexible Work Policy and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, and areas for further action.

This phased implementation plan is designed to ensure that AISEEMO not only meets its immediate goals for gender equality but also lays the foundation for a sustained commitment to diversity and inclusion. By systematically addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by our GEP, AISEEMO will create a workplace where all employees, regardless of gender, have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our collective success.

5. Summary

AISEEMO's Gender Equality Plan (GEP) represents a strategic commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace, essential for driving innovation and performance in the competitive IT and AI landscape. Recognizing the industry's male dominance and the absence of female employees in our startup, the GEP aims to address and overcome the challenges of gender diversity and equality. Through a comprehensive approach, AISEEMO is dedicated to embedding gender equality into our organizational practices, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees to contribute, advance, and achieve their potential.

The plan outlines strategic objectives and actions focusing on providing equal access to employment, facilitating performance evaluation, career progression, and remuneration, ensuring work-life balance, and establishing a woman empowerment policy. Key initiatives include revising recruitment practices to attract more female candidates, implementing unconscious bias training, developing mentorship and sponsorship programs, conducting regular pay equity audits, and offering flexible working arrangements.

Implementation of the GEP involves a phased approach, starting with the development and communication of key policies such as the Flexible Work Policy and the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Training and awareness programs will raise understanding of gender biases and the importance of an inclusive culture. Recruitment and career development initiatives will actively seek to diversify our team, while constant monitoring and evaluation will track progress and inform continuous improvement efforts.

AISEEMO's commitment to gender equality is not just about meeting benchmarks; it's about creating a culture of inclusivity, respect, and empowerment. By addressing current gaps and challenges and implementing this comprehensive plan, AISEEMO aims to become a leader in gender equality within the tech industry, leveraging the full potential of a diverse workforce to drive success and innovation.

APPENDIX 1 - Flexible Work Policy (1)

I. Our Commitment 

AISEEMO is committed to providing a positive working environment for all of our people and a culture that enables everyone to reach their potential. We believe that giving our people greater control in managing the whole-life balance between home and work is critical to achieving higher levels of engagement and performance as well as supporting well-being. We enable our people to work in a more agile way, eg. working from home or from another relevant site. This is key to successfully manage that balance and the AISEEMO vision is to make agile working a possibility for everyone. At the same time, this policy is in line with the Teal Organization Principles that drive AISEEMO. 

II. Scope

This document applies to all AISEEMO employees who have been cleared to either work remotely or work from home for part of a day, a full day, or multiple days per week. It is important to keep in mind that, due to the nature of some roles, being physically present in the office during “typical” working hours is crucial. Individuals who occupy such roles should note that they are unlikely to be able to benefit from home working or remote working arrangements. However, it is always recommended that they check with their manager to clarify. 

III. Policy Elements

We recognize that some employees need to work flexible hours. Example reasons are:

  • Parenting/Care
  • Doctors appointments or other medical circumstances
  • Work-life balance

IV. Your Rights

When you work from home or remotely, you have certain rights: 

  • You have the right to work remotely or from home if such an arrangement has been agreed upon between yourself and your supervisor.
  • You have the right not to be treated unfairly in relation to performance, development, and/or promotion opportunities for taking up the option to work remotely or from home.
  • You will not be unfairly terminated for invoking this right, where appropriate.
  • You have the right to be safe and free from hazards wherever you work. If you have any concerns about your location of work, please contact the management.
  • You have the right to physically remove your Company-issued laptop, charging cable, headset, mouse, and iPhone from the office, and bring them to the location where you wish to work.

V. Your Responsibilities

When you work from home or remotely, you have certain responsibilities: 

  • You must communicate your working arrangements to those with whom you work.
  • You must have the support of your manager and your team to work from home or work remotely.
  • Your colleagues must not feel that your work away from the office has an adverse impact on them.
  • You must have the technological capacity (good wifi connection, quiet location, etc…) to remain in contact with and be accessible to, the office, colleagues, and clients.
  • Remote working or home working must not impact your ability to meet client and other work demands.
  • You must ensure you have the necessary equipment and appropriate conditions to facilitate working away from the office.
  • You must ensure that the working conditions (including online connections) are secure enough to provide adequate protection for the company trade secrets and IPR. 


APPENDIX 2 - Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (2)

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy brief & purpose

Our equal opportunity employer policy reflects our commitment to ensure equality and promote diversity in the workplace. This equal employment opportunity policy is the pillar of a healthy and productive workplace. Everyone should feel supported and valued to work productively.  We are invested in treating everyone with respect and consideration.


Our equal opportunity employer policy applies to all employees, job candidates, contractors, stakeholders, partners and visitors. Equal opportunity is for everyone, however it mainly concerns members of underrepresented groups – they’re the ones who are traditionally disadvantaged in the workplace. We don’t guarantee employment or promotions for people in those groups, but we will treat them fairly and avoid discriminating against them either via conscious or unconscious biases.

Policy elements

Being an equal opportunity employer means that we provide the same opportunities for hiring, advancement and benefits to everyone without discriminating due to protected characteristics like:

  • Age
  • Sex / Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Ethnicity / Nationality
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Medical history

What is an EEO policy?

We built our equal employment opportunity policy around preventive and affirmative actions to ensure fairness in all aspects of employment. These aspects include:

  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Evaluating performance
  • Granting Promotions
  • Administering compensation and benefits
  • Terminating employees

We also want to make sure that equal opportunity applies to other instances. For example, we don’t retaliate against employees and we are committed to prevent and resolve any kind of harassment against our employees, including sexual harassment.

Our Management Board is responsible for assessing our company’s processes and ensuring they are bias-free. Whenever we find biases interfering, we will act immediately to refine our processes, train our people to combat their biases and protect possible victims of discrimination. We will give everyone the chance to work in an environment where their rights are respected.


We will also take actions to promote fairness and diversity as part of our equal employment opportunity policy. We will:

  • Modify structures and facilities to accommodate people with disabilities.
  • Provide parental leave and flexible work arrangement policies.
  • Hire, train and evaluate employees through job-related criteria.
  • Allow employees to take religious or national holidays that aren’t included in our company’s official schedule.
  • Train employees on communication and diversity.
  • Implement open door practices so employees can report discrimination more easily.

Grievance Procedure

All supervisors and managers are responsible to use equal opportunity practices and make decisions based on objective, non-discriminatory criteria. Everyone should comply with our policy at all times.

If you see or suspect that our EEO policies are being violated, please feel free to inform the management immediately. If you suspect that someone is behaving in a wrong way but doesn’t realize it, you could also talk to them directly.
